Creating an equitable future for all county residents

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Racism is a public health crisis.

On June 23, 2020, the San Bernardino County Board of Supervisors declared racism a public health crisis and tasked the County Administrative Office with forming an Equity group that would represent the 11th element of the Countywide Vision.

Discussions that led to the declaration and equity group were inspired by the national conversation taking place in the wake of the May 2020 death of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The group was to be comprised initially of Black community members who could review each element of the Countywide Vision with an equity focus. Eventually, the group will grow to include representatives from other county communities and include an equity focus for all people. The County Administrative Office worked with trusted members of the community to identify organizations well versed in racial equity work.

The Equity Element Group is tasked with determining where there may be racial disparities among our residents in the county, if campaigns and programs could be implemented to solve those issues, and identifying what initiatives are already underway within County government or in the county community that can be highlighted and supported.

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Declaring racism as a public health crisis highlights the profound and pervasive impact of systemic racism on the well-being of marginalized communities. It manifests in disparities across all aspects of health, including higher rates of chronic diseases, mental health issues, and reduced access to quality healthcare among people of color.

Structural inequities rooted in racism—such as discriminatory housing practices, inadequate education, and unequal employment opportunities—contribute to environments that harm the health of these communities.

Also, the stress of experiencing racism directly affects physical and mental health, leading to increased rates of conditions like hypertension and depression. By declaing racism a public health crisis, San Bernardino County recognized the urgent need to address these systemic inequities, emphasizing that achieving health equity requires confronting and dismantling the structures that perpetuate racism.

This declaration is a call to action for meaningful, systemic change to protect the health and dignity of all people.

George Lamb


Equity Element Group

Equity Element Group Members

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688 N. Arrowhead Ave, San Bernardino CA 92401

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(951) 415-8232

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